Home > Stand Up Against Censorship in Teaneck, New Jersey

In the heart of Teaneck, New Jersey, a battle is brewing – not one fought with fists or weapons, but with words. At stake is one of the fundamental pillars of our democracy: freedom of speech. Citizens should have the opportunity to openly express their opinions, share concerns, and hold their officials accountable during public board meetings. Unfortunately, members of the Teaneck Board of Education seem to disagree.

Recently, the Teaneck Board of Education has shown a troubling pattern of censorship and speech suppression disguised as decorum. Citizens who have dared to voice their critiques have been interrupted, muzzled, and even threatened with removal. But isn't the beauty of democracy the ability to express dissenting opinions and criticize your elected officials without fear of retribution?

The Board's actions were not just arbitrary; they were discriminatory. Comments supporting the Superintendent's statement were allowed, while those challenging it were stifled. 

Public participation in these meetings is crucial for fostering transparency, accountability, and community engagement in our education system. Let’s stand together, unwavering in our commitment to defend the right to speak freely and ensure that every citizen’s voice is heard loud and clear in Teaneck, New Jersey.