Free Speech and Other Dirty Words: A Conversation with Melissa Etheridge

Melissa Etheridge is not only a music legend, but also a passionate advocate for free speech.

Throughout her career, Etheridge has fearlessly spoken out against censorship and for the right of all people to express themselves freely, regardless of the content or message. She has also used her platform to champion LGBTQ+ rights and social justice, inspiring countless fans to stand up for what they believe in and to use their voices to effect positive change.

In honor of her commitment to free speech, we are thrilled to give away two guitars signed by Etheridge herself: a Gibson Les Paul and an Epiphone Songmaker DR-100 Square Shoulder. These guitars not only represent Etheridge's musical legacy, but also her dedication to preserving the fundamental right to free expression.

Enter these sweepstakes today to win a piece of music history and support the freedom that makes all other rights possible.

The winners of this sweepstakes will be selected on April 4th, 2023, and will have 72 hours to reply to their confirmation email to claim their prize. Don't miss your opportunity to win a guitar signed by one of the greatest rockers of our time.

Melissa Etheridge Signed Gibson Les Paul and Epiphone Contest